Clever Designers Make Buildings That Last A Long Time

Submitted by: Ellie Lewis

Whenever anyone wants something built, they really have to look for the right experts to make plans for whatever building it is. Some will be more suited to making an assisted living design while other church architects will know exactly what is expected of them when it comes to anything religious. For example, those who want to build a chapel or some such building will have to know what will be acceptable and what will not. In the same way those people who cannot get around as easily as they used to will also need special things in the building to make life easier.

For example, many people, as they get older, will get a little shaky on their feet. They may be able to walk slowly to where they want to get, but on the walls will have to be some hand holds so that they can steady themselves wherever they are. Most specialist homes will have a long and wide strip of wood along the walls. Although this will stop beds and other moveable objects from chipping the walls, it also has another use in that people who are unsteady will be able to hang onto it all along the wall until they get to their destination.


Not everyone will like asking for help when they are moving around and some people feel demeaned when they have to be helped to do even the most basic of tasks. When people have to use the bathroom, for example, this is probably the most private of functions that we all have to perform. However, by making grab handles on the walls, and by leaving plenty of room around the facility the user can bring in a wheelchair and do all the necessary motions in private without anyone being part of the deal.

For religious buildings, the lay out is even more important as even the positioning of the building has to be done right. All buildings relating to the Christian faith are normally built on a north to south plan. Indeed, most of these buildings will look like a cross from above for obvious reasons. For those who have ever noticed that the buildings are sometimes set at an angle in the gardens, this is the reason why.

Also, in these buildings, windows will be constructed from stained glass etc depicting the scenes from the bible or scenes from the local area. Indeed, these are truly works of art and will need expert guidance in getting them made up to plan etc. Local artisans are usually involved in this as well and they are all aware of what the local traditions are. For example, if this area was known for steel production, they may well depict something of this nature to carry the theme of the working man through the building. It is obvious then that these experts carry out a special service to the community since these buildings should be around for many years to come. Therefore, they should reflect what goes on there too.

About the Author: Ellie Lewis recently helped her church find a group of knowledgeable

church architects

to help revitalize the facade of an old church. She hired a local

assisted living design

firm to help revitalize her ailing mother s home.


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